The Build
Please note that the following content on this page is based on the SIBOOR VORON 2.4 AUG kit and is provided for reference purposes only. The text, images, and other materials are sourced from the Happy Hare Wiki, but some pages have been significantly condensed and simplified.
If you are not using this specific machine kit, to avoid incorrect operations or missing important information, you may visit the complete tutorial at
Quick Start Guide
Before assembly, it's a good idea to check the parts list to ensure nothing is missing or damaged. If you find any issues, feel free to contact us for replacement parts to minimize waiting time.
Build of MaterialsLet's take three minutes to go over some basic concepts for the ERCF V2 project:
Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feeder (ERCF)
The ERCF is a Multi-Material Unit (MMU) that allows your 3D printer to automatically switch between filaments. It's perfect for creating multi-colored prints or simply avoiding manual filament changes. If you're familiar with ERCF v1.1, this will serve as an update overview. While theoretically capable of handling unlimited channels, SIBOOR's kit supports switching between up to 8 colors.
Enraged Rabbit Cotton Tail (ERCT)
When the MMU switches tools, the unloaded filament needs proper handling to avoid tangling. The ERCT buffer system connects to the ERCF V2 and reduces filament path resistance while managing space effectively. It also includes a pregate filament sensor for endless spool management and features a NEOpixel on each gate for feedback when used with the Happy Hare firmware.
Enraged Rabbit Filametrix (ERF)
Before unloading, the filament tip must be properly prepared for the next load. This tip-forming process can be tricky, varying by material, temperature, and hotend. The ERF cutting system solves this by trimming the filament tip during retraction for clean, jam-free operation. It adds a cutting blade to your Stealthburner toolhead and supports an optional servo pin for activation without losing print area.
ERCF is powered by the Happy Hare MMU firmware for Klipper, which includes extensions for setup, testing, and operation. It can be controlled via command line, macros, or an interactive UI with the optional KlipperScreen extension. Installation is easy thanks to the Happy Hare script, which optimizes settings and simplifies the process.
Here's the next step:
Print necessary parts
Assembly manual
Connect ERCF to the printer
Install Happy Hare firmware
Perform basic calibration
Configure slicing software
Start printing
Last updated