V0 Display Screen

V0 Display Flickering Instructions

  1. Connection The display is connected to the host computer via USB.

  2. Firmware Pre-Installation Check Determine if your display has firmware pre-installed:

    • If the display has pre-flashed firmware:

      • Install a jumper cap in the red area shown in the image below and press the RSSCT button to put the development board into DFU mode.

    • If the display does not have firmware pre-flashed:

      • The MCU defaults to DFU mode if no other firmware is installed.

      • Confirm that the development board enters DFU mode in step 4.

  3. Connect via SSH Connect to your host computer using SSH.

  4. Verify DFU Mode Run the command:


    Ensure the STM32 is listed in DFU mode.

  1. List DFU Devices Run:

dfu-util --list

Note the information in the red box.

  1. Access Klipper Directory Run:

cd ~/klipper
  1. Configure Klipper Run:

make menuconfig

Set the configuration as required, then exit and save.

  1. Clean Make Environment Run:

make clean
  1. Flash Firmware Run:

make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11

(Use the appropriate xxxx:yyyy from the previous step.)

  1. Final Steps

  • Remove the power jumper.

  • Press the reset button.

  1. Verify Serial Device After completion, run:

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

This should return a device starting with /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6....

  1. Update Display Configuration Copy the serial port name (e.g., /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6...) and place it in the [mcu display] section of the display configuration file.

Example Configuration for V0Display.cfg

[mcu display]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6_JKYZ-if00
restart_method: command

lcd_type: sh1106
i2c_mcu: display
i2c_bus: i2c1a
encoder_pins: ^display:PA4, ^display:PA3
click_pin: ^!display:PA1
kill_pin: ^!display:PA5
x_offset: 2

[neopixel displayStatus]
pin: display:PA0
chain_count: 1
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.24
initial_GREEN: 0.02
initial_BLUE: 0.25

Your display should now work with Klipper. To get started, it's recommended to copy the configuration file to the same directory as printer.cfg, and then add [include V0Display.cfg] at the end of printer.cfg to include the file.

Last updated