FAQ(10/3 Update)

※How to Install RGB PCB Light Strips

Note: Please be aware that the RGB light strips are not included in the kit and must be purchased separately. Be sure to follow the wiring diagram closely, paying special attention to the color coding for positive and negative connections. Exercise caution to avoid short circuits.

Install the LED Effects Library

This will install the LED Effects for Klipper plugin from here

SSH into your Fly Gemini

account : fly password : mellow

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/julianschill/klipper-led_effect.git
cd klipper-led_effect

Add to printer.cfg

[output_pin HE-LED]
pin: host:gpio3
pwm: False

Setting the RGB strip:

Add to printer.cfg

[neopixel my_neopixel]  
pin:PA9 # Main Board Pin Definitions  
chain_count:24 # Number of RGB's   
color_order: GRB # Colour order  
initial_RED: 0.2 # Red Light on default value is 1 max.  
initial_GREEN: 0.2 # Green Light on default value is 1 max.  
initial_BLUE: 0.2 # Blue Light on default value is 1 max.  
[led_effect rainbow]   
  gradient 0.50 0.50 top (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) 
frame_rate: 24  
[led_effect extruder_temp]  
    heater 0.50 0.50 top (0.0,1.0,0.0),(1.0,0.0,0.0),(0.0,0.0,1.0)  
frame_rate: 24  
heater: extruder  
autostart: true  
[led_effect bed_heating]  
    heater 0.50 0.50 top (0.0,1.0,0.0),(1.0,0.0,0.0),(0.0,0.0,1.0)  
frame_rate: 24  
heater: heater_bed  
autostart: true  

※Fixing MCU Read Error for Display Screen

If you encounter an error reading the display screen MCU, it may be due to the lack of pre-flashed firmware on the display. To address this issue, follow these optimization steps:

  1. Open an SSH session and log in to the system.

  2. In the terminal, enter the following commands:

    cd ~/klipper/
    make -j4 flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11
  3. After running the above command, the system may prompt you to enter a password. Enter the password: mellow.

  4. Wait for the firmware to be flashed.

  5. After the flashing is complete, restart the system with the following command:

    sudo reboot
  6. Once the system restarts, the display screen should light up.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of being unable to read the display screen MCU and ensure that the display screen has the necessary pre-flashed firmware.


This error occurs when there is a communication failure between the TMC driver and the motherboard. Possible causes include:

  • Insufficient 24V power supply to the motherboard (TMC driver not initialized)

  • The TMC stepping driver module is not properly seated

  • Incorrect jumper settings for the driver

Please check these points carefully.

ADC Error:

ADC stands for "Analog-to-Digital Converter," which is used to convert the thermistor reading into the temperatures for the extrusion head and hot bed. As a safety measure, Klipper will enter protection mode if the temperature exceeds the maximum or minimum threshold (indicating a possible open or short-circuited thermistor). Please verify that the thermistor is connected to the correct socket.

Last updated