Initial Startup Checks

Note: The debugging process may involve plugging and unplugging drivers, swapping motor wires, and other operations. Be sure to power off the printer before performing these actions to avoid irreversible consequences, such as damage to the mainboard or drivers.

※Verify Temperature

Start by verifying that temperatures are being properly reported. Navigate to the fluidd temperature graph.

Verify that the nozzle and bed temperatures are displaying correctly and are not increasing. If the temperatures continue to rise, disconnect the printer from power. If the temperatures are inaccurate, the issue may be due to wiring or hardware faults.

※Verify heaters

Navigate to the temperature graph and type in 50 followed by enter in the “Tool” temperature target field. The extruder temperature in the graph should start to increase (within about 10 seconds or so). Then go to the “Tool” temperature drop-down box and select “Off”. After several minutes the temperature should start to return to its initial room temperature value. If the temperature does not increase, Please check the wiring.

Perform the above steps again with the bed.

※Check Drivers

In the terminal window, enter the following commands to check the status of each stepper motor:

  • To test the X-axis driver:

    DUMP_TMC STEPPER=stepper_x
  • To test the Y-axis driver:

    DUMP_TMC STEPPER=stepper_y
  • To test the Z-axis driver:

    DUMP_TMC STEPPER=stepper_z
  • To test the E-axis driver (extruder):

    DUMP_TMC STEPPER=stepper_e

Review Output Information Each command will display status information for the corresponding axis driver. Check the current, voltage, temperature, steps, and any error states to ensure there are no abnormalities.

※Check Motor Operation

To verify that each stepper motor is operating correctly, send the following command in the terminal:


The STEPPER_BUZZ command will cause the given stepper to move one millimeter in a positive direction and then it will return to its starting position. It will perform this oscillation ten times. we will verify direction again later, ideally all motors will be running correctly at the end of this test. See the list below for the expected motion for each command.

Note, if you have trouble seeing what direction a motor is rotating, try adding a small sharpy mark on the pulley. clockwise and counterclockwise are from the top down view looking at the X and Y motors.

Run this command for each of the motors:

If the specified motor is not turning, please check the wiring and ensure that it is connected to the correct port.

※Z Endstop Check

Since the VORON 0.2 uses an infinite homing mode for the X and Y axes, in this step, we only need to check the Z-axis limit switch. Ensure that the Z-axis limit switch is not pressed, then send the command QUERY_ENDSTOPS through the terminal console. The terminal should display the following return value, indicating that the Z-axis status is [open].

x:open y:open z: open 

If the Z-axis shows a status of triggered, check the wiring to ensure it is correctly connected and that there are no loose or broken cables.

Next, manually press and hold the Z-axis limit switch, then send the QUERY_ENDSTOPS command again. The expected output should be:

x:open y:open z: triggered  

※XY Infinite Position Homing and Sensitivity Check

To perform XY homing and check the sensitivity, please follow these steps:

  1. Safety Precautions: Before starting, ensure you have a quick plan to stop the printer in case something goes wrong (e.g., if the tool head moves in the wrong direction). You have several options:

    • Use the red emergency stop button located in the lower right corner of the display. Clicking it will shut down Klipper, but the Raspberry Pi and Fluidd will continue running. To reconnect Klipper, press the “Connect” button in the upper left corner of Fluidd and send the FIRMWARE_RESTART command in the terminal.

    • Have a computer nearby with the RESTART or M112 command readily available in the Fluidd terminal. If the printer moves in the wrong direction during homing, quickly send that command to stop the printer.

    • As a last resort, you can power off the printer using the power switch. This method may corrupt files on the SD card, requiring a complete reinstallation.

  2. Homing Axes:

    • First, home the X-axis by sending the following command: G28 X This will only home the X-axis, moving the tool head to the right until it hits the maximum travel limit of the frame and stops.

    • Next, home the Y-axis by sending the following command: G28 Y This will move the tool head backward until it reaches the maximum travel limit on the Y-axis and stops. If the tool head does not move as expected or produces loud noises and shakes, you may need to repeat the Check Motor Operation procedure to ensure all motors are functioning correctly.

After sending the command, if there is no movement at all, check whether the Z limit switch has been incorrectly connected to the XY limit port on the mainboard. Also, check the XY driver on the mainboard to ensure that the infinite position switch at the back is turned on.

  1. Adjusting Sensitivity:

    • Once homing is complete, check the sensitivity threshold. The printer.cfg file for the VORON 0.2 contains preset configurations for infinite position homing, but manual adjustments may be necessary in some cases.

    • Ideal Sensitivity: The tool head moves smoothly to the maximum travel limits in both X and Y directions without excessive noise, in which case no adjustments are needed.

    • Sensitivity Too Low: The tool head reaches the maximum travel limit but does not stop when hitting the frame, resulting in a loud "da da da" noise.

    • Sensitivity Too High: The tool head stops prematurely after a short distance, possibly due to minor vibrations from the machine or fans.

  2. Steps to Adjust Sensitivity:

    • Position the tool head near the center of the X/Y axis.

    • In the console, enter the following command to adjust the X-axis sensitivity: SET_TMC_FIELD STEPPER=stepper_x FIELD=SGTHRS VALUE=65 (The sensitivity ranges from 0 (minimum) to 255 (maximum); you can adjust by ±5 for testing.)

    • After setting the value, issue the homing command: G28 X0 Observe the homing process. If it is still not optimal, send the command: M84 to disable the motor, reposition the tool head to the center, and further adjust the sensitivity. Record the suitable value once found.

    • The same process applies for the Y-axis, using the command: SET_TMC_FIELD STEPPER=stepper_y FIELD=SGTHRS VALUE=65

  3. Adjusting Homing Direction: If the homing direction is incorrect, refer to the provided diagram to determine the correct adjustment method. Ensure that the wiring and stepper driver configurations align with the expected directions shown in the diagram. This will help ensure the tool head moves in the correct direction during homing.

By following these steps, you can effectively complete the infinite position homing for both the X and Y axes and adjust the sensitivity to optimize printer performance.

※Check Fan

Identify all the fans inside the machine and check if the configured pins match the actual ones.

Check Part_Coolong_Fan

The Part cooling Blower can be directly controlled in Miscellaneous for on/off and speed settings.

※PID Tune Heated Bed

Move nozzle to the center of the bed and approximately 5-10mm above the bed surface, then run:


It will perform a PID calibration routine that will last about 10 minutes. Once it is finished, type SAVE_CONFIG which will save the parameters into your configuration file.

※PID Tune Hotend

Set the part cooling fans to 25% (M106 S64) and then run:


It will perform a PID calibration routine that will last about 5 minutes. Once it is finished, type SAVE_CONFIG which will save the parameters into your configuration file.

※Calibrate the Z0 Position


Before starting the Z-axis calibration, ensure that the printer is powered on and all prior adjustments, including bed leveling and nozzle height, have been completed. Note that the springs should not be too loose or too tight, and the distance between the nozzle and the print bed should be approximately the thickness of an A4 sheet of paper to facilitate further manual leveling.

Z-Axis Configuration Parameters

In the VORON 0.2, the main Z-axis configuration parameters include the following:

position_endstop: 120   ;
position_max: 120       
  • position_endstop: This parameter defines the specific location of the Z-axis endstop and should correspond to the point where the nozzle touches the print bed.

  • position_max: This parameter specifies the maximum movement range of the Z-axis, typically set to match the endstop to prevent exceeding physical limits that could damage the machine.

Calibration Steps

  1. Home the Z-Axis:

    • Use the command G28 Z to home the Z-axis. The tool head will move to the bottom and return to the set Z position (Z30).

  2. Move to Z10:

    • Send the command G1 Z10 to move the Z-axis to the Z10 position.

  3. Incrementally Move Up:

    • Use the graphical control commands in the console to gradually move the Z-axis up in 1mm increments until it reaches Z0.

  1. Observe the Position:

    • When reaching the Z0 position, two situations may occur:

      • Situation A: The bed does not touch the nozzle.

        • Solution: Try loosening the three screws at the bottom of the bed, or adjust the position_endstop and position_max values in the configuration file to a larger number, such as 122.

      • Situation B: The bed is pressing against the nozzle.

        • Solution: Try tightening the three screws at the bottom of the bed, or reduce the position_endstop and position_max values in the configuration file to a smaller number, such as 116.

  2. Save Settings:

    • After making adjustments, double-check and save the values of position_endstop and position_max in the configuration file to ensure consistency.

By following the steps above, you can effectively calibrate the Z-axis of the VORON 0.2 to ensure print accuracy and quality. During adjustments, be mindful of the accuracy of all parameters and periodically check the printer's status to avoid potential issues. The discrepancies in travel distance may occur due to assembly differences, particularly in the installation position of the Z-axis endstop.


Purpose: Use the BED_SCREWS_ADJUST command to quickly adjust the bed height of the VORON 0.2 printer to ensure print quality.

Adjustment Steps:

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure the printer is fully homed.

    • Turn off the printer power and perform necessary preparations.

  2. Send Adjustment Command:

    • Enter the following command in the console to activate the bed screw adjustment function:

  3. Graphical User Interface:

    • After executing the command, a graphical user interface will appear in the console.

    • The tool head will automatically move to the front center position of the print bed.

  4. Adjust Screws:

    • At the front center position, if a significant adjustment is necessary for the current screw, click “Adjusted.”

    • If the adjustment is satisfactory, click “Accept” to continue.

  5. Sequentially Adjust Corners:

    • After the adjustment is complete, the tool head will move to the left rear position for adjustment.

    • Repeat the above steps until all adjustments are complete.

    • The tool head will then move to the right rear position for adjustment.

  6. Finish Adjustment:

    • You may need to go through several rounds of adjustments until all positions are accepted.

    • Once completed, ensure all adjustments have been accepted and click “Accept” to confirm.

By following these steps, you can effectively adjust the bed height of the VORON 0.2 printer, improving print quality.

※Extruder Calibration (e-steps)

Before the first print, make sure that the extruder extrudes the correct amount of material.

  • First, make sure the extruder is running the correct direction: heat the hotend, and extrude 10mm or so of filament:

    • If the extruder pulls the filament in, all is well.

    • If the filament gets pushed back out the top, , reverse the extruder in your printer.cfg by finding the [extruder] dir_pin, and adding a ! to the pin name. (if one is already present, remove it instead)

  • With the hotend at temperature, make a mark on the filament between the roll of filament and your extruder, between 120mm and 150mm away from the entrance to the extruder. Measure the distance from the entrance of the extruder to that mark.

  • In Fluidd, set the extrusion speed to 1mm/s, and extrude 50mm 2 times, (for a total of 100mm since Klipper doesn’t allow you to extrude more than 50mm at a time).

  • Measure from the entrance of your extruder to the mark you made previously.

    • In a perfect world, assuming the mark was at 120mm, it would measure 20mm (120mm - 20mm = 100mm), but usually won’t be.

  • Update rotation_distance in the extruder section of the configuration file using this formula:

    • New Config Value = Old Config Value * (Actual Extruded Amount/Target Extruded Amount)

Note: a higher configuration value means that less filament is being extruded.

Paste the new value into the configuration file, restart Klipper, and try again. Once the extrusion amount is within 0.5% of the target value (ie, 99.5-100.5mm for a target 100mm of extruded filament), the extruder is calibrated!

Typical rotation_distance values should be around 22.6789511 for Stealthburner

Last updated