Ssh Quick Guide

SSH tools in 3D printers are primarily used for the following operations that cannot be performed via the web interface:

  1. Modify system configurations: Directly edit configuration files or make system settings.

  2. Install software and plugins: Install and update software via the command line.

  3. View logs and error messages: Access system logs to troubleshoot issues.

  4. Remote troubleshooting: Debug issues that cannot be resolved through the web interface.

These operations typically require SSH access, which cannot be accomplished through the web interface.

A Detailed Guide on SSH Login and Usage for 3D Printers

1. Install an SSH Client

  • Windows:

    • PuTTY: PuTTY is a popular SSH client for Windows. Download it here.

  • macOS/Linux:

    • These systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. You can use the ssh command directly from the terminal.

2. Obtain the 3D Printer's IP Address

Most 3D printers automatically receive an IP address when connected to the local network. You can find this IP address by:

  • Checking the network settings on the printer’s control panel or display.

  • Logging into your router’s management interface to view the list of connected devices and find the printer’s IP address.

3. Common SSH Commands

  • Open PuTTY.

  • In the "Host Name (or IP address)" field, enter the IP address or hostname of your 3D printer in the format <user>@<host>. For example, fly@

  • Click the "Open" button.

PuTTY Security Alert:

  • Since this is your first time connecting, you may see a security warning. It is generally safe to click "Accept" to proceed.

  • When prompted, enter your password. It is normal for no characters to appear as you type (Linux systems hide passwords completely).

  • password is: mellow

Once logged into the 3D printer, use the following commands:

  • Navigate Directories:

    • ls: List files and directories in the current directory.

    • cd /path/to/directory: Change to a specified directory. For example, cd /home/pi switches to /home/pi.

  • View and Edit Files:

    • cat filename: Display the contents of a file. For example, cat config.txt shows the file’s content.

    • nano filename: Edit a file using the nano editor. For example, nano config.txt opens config.txt in nano.

    • vim filename: Edit a file using the vim editor. For example, vim config.txt opens config.txt in vim.

  • File Transfer:

    • Use SCP to upload files from your local computer to the 3D printer:

      scp /path/to/local/file username@printer_ip_address:/path/to/destination/

      This command uploads a local file to the specified directory on the printer.

  • Control the 3D Printer:

    • Reboot the printer:

      sudo reboot
    • Shut down the printer:

      sudo shutdown now
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot:

    • top: View real-time system resource usage, including CPU and memory.

    • tail -f /path/to/logfile: View log file updates in real-time. For example:

      tail -f /var/log/octoprint.log

      This command displays the OctoPrint log in real-time.

4. Exit the SSH Session

When finished, exit the SSH session with:


Or press Ctrl + D to close the session.

Last updated